RD Loan Amount Disbursement in DOP Finacle


RD Loan Amount Disbursement in DOP Finacle 

In previous post, we explain how to open RD Loan account in Finacle. You must read RD Loan Account Opening before disbursement. Please click & Read First 

RD Loan Amount Disbursement Procedure

After opening the RD Loan Account we have to disburse Loan Amount. LARDD command is used for this purpose. The following procedure of disbursement of RD Loan Amount.
  • Menu Shortcut – LARDD
  • GO
  • The following screen will be displayed. Click and See

  • Function – D-Disursement
  • Account No. –
  • Disbursement Amount –
  • Mode of Disbursement – Transfer
  • Credit A/c No.- SB Account or SOL ID + 0340
  • Submit
  • The following screen will be displayed
  • Now the verification will be done by supervisor in same command LARDD.
  • Menu Shortcut – LARDD
  • GO
  • The following screen will be displayed

  • Function – Verify 
  • Account No. 
  • Submit 
  • The following screen will be displayed.
  • Now check the Loan Account Balance In HACLI
  • You can also check the Loan Marking of RD account in HACCBAL.