Trial closure for SB and PPF accounts?

There is no Trial Closure for SB and PPF. However, to see closing interest, following process is to be followed :-

Ø  It involves two components-Closing accrued Interest for completed months and balance outstanding in the account.
Ø  To know the closing accrued interest till date (for completed months) the user has to execute HACACCR menu and see the Report either in HPR or through HAITINQ menu.

HACACCR menu execution

Enter the A/c Id, wait for the name of depositor to appear. Compare name of depositor to ensure that correct account number is entered. Keep the field ‘From Date’ as blank and  Enter BOD date in the field ‘ To date’ and submit as shown in the screen shot below:

Ø  This will generate a report HPR .
Ø  The closing accrued interest will be arrived after rounding off the amount shown in HPR  to next rupee. The total amount to be paid to depositor will be arrived at by adding the balance in the account shown in HACLI/HACCBAL Menu option and the closing accrued interest.
Ø  This amount is to be shown to depositor who wants to close the account. If he agrees, actual closure has to be done.

Ø  In case SB7A is received from BO for closing sanction of a Savings Account, this amount is to be entered in SB7A by Supervisor with the remarks on the top that “This sanction is valid up to last working day of the current month” . Sending the closing sanction to BO should be avoided in the last week of the month.

Part Withdrawal from a PPF Account in DOP Finacle-CPWTM

Important Points :
  • Partial amount could be withdrawn from an account after the completion of fifth Financial years, the balance at the credit at the end of the 4th year immediately preceding the year in which the 50% of the amount can be withdrawn
  • The withdrawal amount should not exceed 50% of the balance that stood to his credit at the end of the fourth year immediately preceding the year of withdrawal or at the end of the preceding year, whichever is lower.
  • However, in the case of extended deposit, the withdrawal amount should not exceed 60% of the balance at the beginning of the extended period.
  • Outstanding balance of loan – against the PPF – will be deducted from the withdrawal amount.
  • Only one withdrawal is allowed in a year.

Ø  Invoke Menu CPWTM for part withdrawal of PPF account

   Now provide all the details as mentioned below :

1.   Function Code : Add
2.   Tran Type : 
    (i) C/NP-Cash Normal Payment [for Cash Payment]  OR
    (ii) T/CI-Customer Transfer [for Cheque payment or Transfer to POSB Account]
3.   Type : N-Normal Withdrawal
4.   Click Go

1.   Account Number (Dr) : PPF account number
2.   Amount : ___________ [ Finacle displays Max Withdrawal Amount ]
3.   Account Number (Cr) : 
      (i) POSB account number in case of transfer to SB account OR
      (ii) SOLID + 0340 in case of cheque payment.
4.   Click Submit

Note down the Tran ID and get it verified by the supervisor in menu option CPWTM.

PPF Deposit / Funding a PPF Account in DOP Finacle



Ø  Invoke menu CPDTM for funding/deposit a PPF Account
Ø  Now provide all the details as mentioned below
Function Code : Add
Tran Type : C/NR – Cash Normal Receipt
Type : Normal Contribution
Click Go

Account Number(Cr) : ______
Amount : _______
Click Submit

Ø  Note down the Tran ID and Supervisor needs to verify this transaction

Ø  Invoke menu CPDTM for verifying this transaction
Function code : Verify
Tran ID : _______
Click Go

Now Click Submit to verify this transaction.

Ø  All funds/deposits via bank cheque towards PPF account will be done through office account (SOLID+0017) only.

Ø  No bank cheque will be deposited directly in the PPF account.


How to make PPF Deposit when POSB cheque is presented by customer:

Ø  Invoke menu CPDTM
Ø  Now provide all the details as mentioned below
Function Code : Add
Tran Type : T/CI-Customer Transfer
Type : Normal Contribution
Click Go

Account Number(Cr) : Enter PPF Account Number
Account Number(Dr) : Enter POSB Account Number
Amount : _______
Click Submit

Ø  Note down the Tran ID and get it verified by supervisor

How to make PPF Deposit when Bank cheque is presented by customer and the cheque is cleared :

Ø  Invoke menu CPDTM
Ø  Now provide all the details as mentioned below
Function Code : Add
Tran Type : T/CI-Customer Transfer
Type : Normal Contribution
Click Go

Account Number(Cr)  : Enter PPF Account Number
Account Number(Dr) : Enter SOLID+0382
Amount : _______
Click Submit

Ø  Note down the Tran ID and get it verified by the supervisor.

How to PPF Account transfer to Bank and from Bank to Post office in DOP Finacle


PPF – Transfer Out (Bank)

1.     Invoke HINTTM menu from Postmaster login for zeroing of interest for the current financial year.
2.     In HINTTM, PPF account number to be entered; From date should be 01-04-YYYY; Interest table code should be ‘Zero’.
3.     Verification has to be done by Supervisor.
4.     Closure has to be invoked using HCAAC menu from PA login. Option ‘Transfer’ has to be selected and transfer account id should be Postmaster account (0340).
5.     Closure reason should be selected as ‘Transfer to Bank’.
6.     Closure has to be verified by Supervisor.

PPF – Transfer In (Bank)

  1. Create CIF ID if already not available.
  2. Use CPPFAO menu to open a new PPF account. Select the CIF ID and select the option TRANSFER and enter the old account number.
  3. Also enter the correct account open date and enter the maturity date (31-03-YYYY).
  4. Verify the account opening using CPPFAV menu in Supervisor login. Note down the account number.
  5. The text file has to be generated from the excel sheet. Excel sheet should contain all the transactions of the PPF account and the balance should be checked. 
  6. The field ‘Financial Year End Balance Identifier’ should be selected as YES only for the last transaction of a financial year. For all other transactions, it should be selected as NO. 
  7. The fields ‘Transaction Date’ / ‘Value Date’ should be in mm/dd/yyyy format only.
  8. Enter the account number created in Finacle and click on Generate File button to generate the text file. Excel template is attached with this mail.
  9. In Counter PA login, select HTRFTOUN menu. Select the text file generated. In ‘Destination Directory’ field, enter /dop
  10. The message ‘File uploaded successfully’ will be displayed.
  11. Then, select CTUPLD menu. Enter the account number and then enter the file name (enter as it is available). The message ‘Data uploaded successfully’ will be displayed.
  12. After this process, login as Supervisor and select CTPROC menu. Select ‘Verify’ and enter the account number. Transactions will be displayed. Click on SUBMIT.
  13. Again login as PA and select CTPROC menu. Select ‘Process’ and enter the account number. Transactions will be displayed. Click on SUBMIT. A screen showing the transaction id details will be displayed.
  14. Then, check the current year transactions in HACLI menu and previous year transactions in CTINQ menu.
  15. Before creating the text file, the date format of the system should be changed as mm/dd/yyyy.

How to handle PPF – Wrong account open date cases in DOP Finacle


  1. Invoke  HINTTM menu from Postmaster login for zeroing of interest for the current financial year for the PPF account (with wrong open date)
  2. Verification has to be done by Supervisor.
  3. Use HCAAC menu to close the PPF account (wrong open date) in Counter PA login. Closure reason should be selected as Transfer to Bank. . Option ‘Transfer’ has to be selected and transfer account id should be Postmaster account (0340).
  4. Closure has to be verified by Supervisor.
  5. Use CPPFAO menu to open a new PPF account. Select the CIF ID (linked with the closed PPF account) and select the option TRANSFER and enter the old account number in account opening screen.
  6. Also enter the correct account open date and enter the maturity date (31-03-YYYY).
  7. Verify the account opening using CPPFAV menu in Supervisor login. Note down the account number.
  8. The text file has to be generated from the excel sheet. Excel sheet should contain all the transactions of the PPF account and the balance should be checked. 
  9. The field ‘Financial Year End Balance Identifier’ should be selected as YES only for the last transaction of a financial year. For all other transactions, it should be selected as NO. 
  10. The fields ‘Transaction Date’ / ‘Value Date’ should be in mm/dd/yyyy format only.
  11. Enter the account number created in Finacle and click on Generate File button to generate the text file. Excel template is attached with this mail.
  12. In Counter PA login, select HTRFTOUN menu. Select the text file generated. In ‘Destination Directory’ field, enter /dop
  13. The message ‘File uploaded successfully’ will be displayed.
  14. Then, select CTUPLD menu. Enter the account number and then enter the file name (enter as it is available). The message ‘Data uploaded successfully’ will be displayed.
  15. After this process, login as Supervisor and select CTPROC menu. Select ‘Verify’ and enter the account number. Transactions will be displayed. Click on SUBMIT.
  16. Again login as PA and select CTPROC menu. Select ‘Process’ and enter the account number. Transactions will be displayed. Click on SUBMIT. A screen showing the transaction id details will be displayed.
  17. Then, check the current year transactions in HACLI menu and previous year transactions in CTINQ menu.
  18. Before creating the text file, the date format of the system should be changed as mm/dd/yyyy.