How to find whether a Cheque Book is issued to an Account ?

The following are the steps to be followed to know whether a cheque book is issued to an account or not

  • Invoke menu option HCHBM 
  • Function : Inquiry
  • A/c ID : SB Account number
  • Click Go
Check Book Maintenance 1

You will get a screen as shown below where you can find all the cheques books issued to this account.

Check Book Maintenance 2

How to find whether a particular cheque in the given cheque book series is passed or not ?

  • Click View Details button as shown in the above screen
You will get the status of each cheque in the selected cheque book series as shown below

Check Book Maintenance 3

Procedure to Issue Instant ATM Card in DOP Finacle-CCMM

Before issuing ATM cards kindly ensure the following conditions are fulfilled.

1. Minimum balance in account should be Rs. 500/-
2. Cif should be updated with the latest KYC documents.
3. Update mobile number and email id if possible as message alert service is available.
4. There must not be any special characters and numbers in the account name. If any modify the CIF id in CMRC and account name in HAALM. Only supervisor can access this command. One supervisor has to modify the name and another supervisor has to verify the same.
Procedure to follow by counter clerk

Menu: CCMM

Enter CCMM command in command box. Following screen will be displayed

1.   Select Add in Function menu and enter cif id of the customer and click on GO

Finacle ATM 1

2.   Account Number : Account number. Name will be fetched automatically.
Card type : Instant
Primary Account Flag : YES
Kit No : Enter the KIT number which is available on the ATM card envelope.
Action : New Card Request
And Click Submit

Finacle ATM 2

3.   You will get the message “The record is added successfully”

Procedure to follow by Supervisor
1.   Menu: CCMM
Select Function: Verify
Enter CIF id and then click on GO

Finacle ATM 3

2.   The following screen will be displayed. All the details will be fetched automatically. Check all the details available on the screen and ensure they are correct.
Then click on Submit and it will show a message “Record verified successfully”.

Finacle ATM 4

These requests will be downloaded and processed by Bangalore CPC at once and cards will be active by next day morning.

BO SB Transaction in DOP Finacle


B.O SB Deposit

  • On receipt of Pay-In-Slip from BO, PA of Account office should follow the following process:-
  • Menu Shortcut – CXFER

      • Function – A-Add
      • Transaction Type / Subtype – T/BI-Bank Induced
      • GO

      • Dr. A/c ID – SOL ID + 0339
      • Cr. A/c ID – Customer SB A/c
      • Transaction Perticular – BO Name
      • Amt – 
      • Value Date – Date at BO
      • Click on Post
      • Note the Tran ID and verify from same command in Supervisor Log In

      BO SB withdrawal 

      • Menu Shortcut – CXFER
      • Function – A-Add
      • Transaction Type / Subtype – T/BI-Bank Induced
      • GO

      • Dr. A/c ID – Customer SB A/c 
      • Cr. A/c ID – SOL ID + 0339 
      • Transaction Perticular – BO Name 
      • Amt – 
      • Value Date – Date at BO 
      • Click on Post 
      • Note the Tran ID and verify from same command in Supervisor Log In

      TD Extend or Extension in DOP Finacle

      TD account is having option at the time of opening account as “auto exend”. Whenever we select no at the opening of time and later customer wants to extend further then the command HTDREN is used for Extension. HTDREN stands for Tern Deposit Renewal. The A/C can be extended after completion of 1/2/3/5 year and within 1 year completion of 1/2/3/5 year. The following step are taken for extension.
      • Menu Shortcut – HTDREN > GO
      • The following screen will appear.

      • Function – R-Renewal
      • A/C ID – TD A/C
      • GO
      • The following Screen appears

      • Effective Open Date – Maturity Date
      • Renewal Option – P- Principal Only
      • Calculate Overdue Int – No
      • Print Renewal Confirmation – Immediate/Later
      • Click Submit Button
      • The Result Screen shows the account renewal successfully.

      Procedure for Uploading SO Cheques at HO:


      • On receipt of Physical Cheques from SO alongwith list, HO will tally cheques with list.
      • Invoke HCLUPLD from supervisor menu
      • Copy the .txt file received from Sub Office to the required location
      Then enter the following details as shown
      Enter the Report To column as “Supervisor”
      Enter the zone date ________________
      Enter the zone code as  “MICROW”
      Select the FIle location path as “Local file path” as shown in the below figure

      Then click on Submit
      Then the system will ask the upload file path select the path where the file saved in the step HTRFTOPC as shown in the below figure

      Then click on GO then the system will display the message “File uploaded successfully”

      Repeat the same procedure for all the SOs

      TIPM Overview – Transaction Inquiry in Post Migration in DOP Finacle


      Transaction inquiry of Customer Accounts in before Migration

      DOP Finacle Menu

      TIPM – Transaction Inquiry in Finacle – Post Migration

      The above Finacle Menu is Used to view the ledger copy of Customer Accounts before migration. Ledger Copy of After migration is not possible using the TIPM Menu.
      Using the above menu we can view the post migration transactions / Print the Post Migration Transaction. There are two options are available in the above menu.
      • Inquire Account Transactions
      • Ad-hoc Statement Printing

      To print the Old Ledger in DOP Finacle

      • Invoke Menu TIPM 
      • Select Option >

      Inquire Account Transactions to View Old Ledger
      Ad hoc Statement Printing to Print Old Ledger

      • Enter Account Number. 
      • Enter Start and End date.



      All NSS Accounts are by Default Frozen Accounts.

      1.Invoke HAFSM menu to unfreeze the account
      2.Enter A/C ID
      3.Function – Unfreeze
      4.Click on GO(F4)
      5.Select the Account ID
      6.Click on SUBMIT(F10)
      7.Verify the same in the same menu in supervisor login.

      Closure(With 15H/15G)


      1.Invoke CASBAM menu
      2.Function – Modify
      3.Enter A/C ID
      4.Click on GO(F4)
      5.Select Form 15G/15H submitted as YES
      6.Enter Free Code 5 as 15H/15G
      7.Click on SUBMIT(F10)
      8.Verify the transaction in the same menu in supervisor login.


      1.Invoke CMRC menu
      2.Function – Modify
      3.Enter CIF ID of the Customer
      4.Click on GO(F4)
      5.Enter Tax Deducted At Source Table Code as NOTAX
      6.Click on SUBMIT(F10)
      7.Verify the same in the same menu in supervisor login.


      1.Invoke HCAAC menu
      2.Function – Close
      3.Enter the A/C number
      4.Select the transaction type as Cash/Transfer
      5.Click on GO(F4)
      6.Go through A/C information and Closure tabs
      7.Enter the appropriate closure reason code in Closure tab
      8.Click on SUBMIT(F10)
      9.Verify the closure in supervisor login using the same menu.

      Closure(Without 15H/15G)

      1.Invoke HCAAC menu
      2.Function – Close
      3.Enter the A/C number
      4.Select the transaction type as Cash/Transfer
      5.Click on GO(F4)
      6.Go through A/C information and Closure tabs
      7.Enter the appropriate closure reason code in Closure tab
      8.Click on SUBMIT(F10)
      9.Verify the closure in supervisor login using the same menu

      Note: For Closure (Without 15H Form), System Will Automatically deduct the TAX.

      To print the passbook which was already printed in DOP Finacle


      HPBPR means passbook print reset

      1. Invoke HPBPR menu
      2. Function – RESET
      3. Enter A/C ID
      4. Enter From Date and To Date (For which the passbook has to be printed)
      5. Click on Accept
      6. Select the transactions and click on SUBMIT(F10)
      7. Verify the same in the same menu in supervisor login.
      8. Then Invoke HPBP menu
      9. Enter the A/C ID
      10. Click on Print
      11. Select Appropriate printer and again click on print.

      Click on YES if the passbook was printed correctly. Otherwise, Click on NO to re-print.

      How to verify account opened wrongly in Supervisor of Single Hand Post office


      How to verify account opened wrongly in Supervisor of Single Hand office

      As you know there are huge rush and a lot of work in single hand post office. Only one person has to perform all the activity and schedule work of office. It is human tendency that any mistake may be happened in this situation

      Now the situation is that one account is wrongly opened in supervisor. He try to verify the account in super but an error “The same user can not be verified this record” as like below screen shoot is coming.

      CPA can’t be verify it due to non available of verification menu. In this condition the following two method are taken. We take an example of RD account wrongly opened in Supervisor.

      First Method:-

      First Login with CPA

      Menu Shortcut – CRDOAACM (Modification Before Verification)
      A/c ID –

      Don’t Change anything. Just click on Submit button
      Now Login with Super

      Menu Shortcut – CRDOAACV
      A/c ID –

      This theory will apply to all type of account. First do modification before verification then verify.

      Second Tough Method:-

      • Email to your CPA for assign temporary role of supervisor to your CPA.
      • Then verify account.
      • Request again to remove temporary role of supervisor to your CPA
      • In this process minimum 1-2 Hrs may be spend.So choose first method which is easier. This will be done at all offices where one supervisor exist.

      SSA Claim Closure Procedure in DOP Finacle


      1.Sol Change to HO using HACXFER and Verify.

      2.Unfreeze the SSA account using HAFSM and verify.

      3.Run HACACCR to Check the CYI.

      4.If the Account is standing at SO again SOL Change to be made to SO using HACXFER and verify.

      5. Before invoking the closure menu we have to make the customer status to Deceased and enter the date of death at CIF level using the menu CMRC and verify.

      6.Invoke menu HCAAC to close the account. Then enter the below details

      Enter the field account ID ____
      Select the Transaction Type as “Transfer”
      Enter the Transaction A/c ID. “Postmaster A/c id” (SOLID+0340) because payment of claim closure should be through cheque only.

      Then click on Closure tab then the system will show below screen and in the closure reason column select the reason code as “DTCLM” (This is mandatory for claim closures as the system will calculate the interest based on the closure reason code)

      Verify the same using HCAAC.


      1. After successful closure of account using the claim closure then make the CIF as Suspended by using the menu CMRC so that no one will open the accounts using the Deceased CIF.

      2. Some of the users are changing the CIF status to Suspended CIF before closure of account which results in the error while closing the account hence make sure close the account and then change the CIF to suspended state,